College Hoops forum quote of the day

"I have no problem with laying $1000 to win $100." poster - Al Watts

When asked about playing WF ml at -1000. And I'm sure most books don't have a problem with him laying that either

New member
Sep 21, 2004
even more so considering when I checked olympic (not known for value in moneylines) after reading his post, and the Wake Forest ML was -800

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Is al watts your bud Chalky? This guy doesn't even know what the + sign looks like. I don't think he's taken a dog a day in his life.

Head Cock:

No that is not him although very similiar betting tendencies.. Chalky told me who he played after the fact today. He has: LSU -4 -120 and Oregon -4 -120
Yep it's that easy! Sir, sir! excuse me you were suppose to give me a hundred not take my dime.
Easiest 100 Al ever made
The funny thing is that after probably drinking excessively in the second half, he is probably extremely happy to go 1-1 on the game, since he had Wake -12.5. Ez-value
posted 03-21-03 06:35 PM
Allright, i set myself up for it. I expected a much better showing from wake Forest and it almost cost me. As a matter of fact it did cost me. The ML doesn't count for much of a win. It would have been nice for the pt spread to come thru. I don't mind the critisism. I am not a professional gambler. I do it for fun and for the challenge and it has always been profitable. I am not "loaded" and i am not operating in the red. I will continue to play the ML at my own discretion but i won't post any ML plays. When i win, the money goes in my pocket and you just might wonder what kind of chance i took to get it there. I will admit that if i lost todays ML, it would have set me back. Personally, i wouldn't have made the bet if i didn't have confidence in it. In the end, was it worth it???? The answer is YES. Was it smart??? NO. I've been on a small losing streak lately and i'll just keep my posts to myself for a while and watch everyone else. Good Luck!!!!! al watts

Our poster of the day now says he will no longer post the moneyline plays to us. I'd be embarrassed as well to post f*cking ridiculous ml plays all of the time.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
that is the same guy who played Texas Southern tuesday night because they are in a better area for talent in Texas, rather than North Carolina.

very good analysis, helped me fade TS...

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